Alvey Coin Core Wallet
A.C.C Wallet
Alvey Coin Core is our primary main net wallet. It implements a full node and is capable of storing, validating, and distributing all history of the Alvey Coin network. Alvey Coin Core is considered the reference implementation for the Alvey Coin network.
A.C.C Wallet currently implements the following:
Sending/Receiving ALV coins
Sending/Receiving ARC20 tokens on Alvey Chain
Staking and creating blocks for Alvey Chain
Creating and interacting with smart contracts
Running a full node for distributing the blockchain to other users
"Prune" mode, which minimizes disk usage
Regtest mode, which enables developers to very quickly build their own private AlveyCoin network for Dapp testing
Testnet mode, using the public Alvey Coin Testnet, with faucet available
Compatibility with the Bitcoin Core set of RPC commands and APIs
Full SegWit capability with p2sh-segwit (legacy) and bech32 (native) addresses
Last updated